Ongoing learning & development

We organise regular facilitated workshops where our members discuss pre-selected book chapters, podcasts and movies. These are specifically selected for their insights into Indigenous ways of knowing, thinking and problem-solving, or Western legal concepts. 

This allows our members to begin or continue on their personal development journey before or after they have taken (re)purpose law course.

Who are our interviews, lectures and facilitated workshops for?

Our workshops assume a basic level of understanding of Indigenous ways of knowing, thinking and problem-solving and are primarily designed for the absolvents of (re)purpose law course. 

However, in recognition of the value that Indigenous wisdom may bring to every lawyer, we open our workshops to anyone who would like to join them as a gateway to taking (re)purpose law course later. 

How to sign up for the events?

You can join our ongoing learning and development by subscribing below. Our subscription is annual and allows you to join any number of our workshops.