(Re)purpose law for law firms and organisations

What is (re)purpose law for law firms and organisations?

We tailor our (re)purpose law course for law firms and other organisations working in the legal industry according to their size, areas of expertise and other internal needs. Unlike our (re)purpose law for individuals course, our bespoke courses for organisations go beyond individual lawyers and look into organisational and cultural parameters of our clients from both Indigenous and Western perspectives.  

Which law firms and organisations is (re)purpose law for?

(Re)purpose law is for those law firms and organisations who appreciate the magnitude and complexity of changes involved in the global transition towards net zero, nature-positive, circular and resilient economy, and want to remain socially and commercially relevant in this changed world. By tapping into both Indigenous and Western worldviews, we bring new transformational approaches to your internal structure and help you build organisational resilience.   

What aspects of the course can be tailored?

We can tailor the content, duration, mode of delivery as well as facilitated discussions to the specific needs of your law firm or organisation.